Earlier the previous month, Samsung released April 2020 security patch for its smartphone galaxy M31. But the update bricked some of the units and Samsung rolled back OTA. Now, The Company re-releases the last month’s security patch with a new build.
This security patch is too good than the previous security patch. The April 2020 security patch level had some issues which disappoint the users. And the new security patch is similar to the last one but it comes with lower in size and with a new build number.
The new update for Samsung galaxy m31 weighs 395.40 MB and comes with M315FXXU1ATD5 build number. Whereas, the previous one was 541.26 MB and the build number was M315FXXU1ATD1.
This is not sure that if the same OTA is being rolled out for the users who did not update it recently. But it is sure that the new update is available for the users who successfully installed the April 2020 security patch update.
So, This is the short discussion about the re-release security patch level of Korean smartphone maker company Samsung. If you like this article. Keep staying with us. We update the recent tech news on this site. Thank You.